Humble Raised. Labor Relations and Unionism in Argentine Boxing (1920-1950)

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Jonathan Palla


Since the 1920s, conflicts have matured in the relationships that structured the professional boxing market. These tensions were expressed in images of labor exploitation derived from the vulnerability of young boxers in harsh working conditions. During the following decade, contracts between promoter and boxer were seen as a symbol of immorality in labor exploitation. Crossed by a long and conflictive coexistence between these two keys of explanation (morality and work), professional boxing also participated in the organizational and union impulses of the working class during the postwar period, also showing that the objectives of upward social mobility coexisted. with other ways of meaning work in the sporting spectacle.



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Palla, J. (2024). Humble Raised. Labor Relations and Unionism in Argentine Boxing (1920-1950). Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (24), 169-191.


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