Visions of Work in Feminist Theory

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Susan Ferguson


This article takes a look at the various ways in which labor has been assessed in feminist theory, within which two broad analytic approaches can be discerned. They both identify the societal devaluing of and restrictions on the work women do as defining features of women’s inequality and oppression, but they differ in their conceptualizations of social power and, relatedly, in their political projects for women’s emancipation. The first one, “equality feminism”, focuses on the sexual division of labor, whereas the second one, “social reproduction feminism”, focuses on reproductive labor as a key element in the ongoing reproduction of capitalist society. The article analyses both perspectives and argues that the second approach succeeds in overcoming the weaknesses of the first.


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Ferguson, S. (2020). Visions of Work in Feminist Theory. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (16), 17-36.
Special Theme: The Work of Women: Feminism, Marxism and Social Reproduction


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