The Intellectual as a Party: Dardo Cuneo and the Experience of Acción Socialista

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Carlos Miguel Herrera


This work proposes an analysis of the political experience lead by Dardo Cúneo (1914-2011) during the second Peron government. Active organizer of the socialist party’s cultural and press activities, praised as a writer and considered as one the young promises of the Party, he is however expelled in late 1952 after he created a new journal. Cúneo then dedicate himself to the organization of a political group, Acción Socialista. Inspired by the Fabian Society, is as a research center that seeks to influence the socialist action and program. The experience quickly fail when the group will try to become party, but in those years represents one of the most original attempts to answer the question of an alternative force left without taking the party form. 


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Herrera, C. M. (2013). The Intellectual as a Party: Dardo Cuneo and the Experience of Acción Socialista. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (3), 35-56.
Special Theme: Ideas and Political Commitment: the Left and Intellectuals


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