"We Communists are not Subversive!" The Communist Party and the Argentine Military Dictatorship (1976-1983)

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Natalia Casola


This paper deals with the role played by the Communist Party of Argentina during the last military dictatorship. First, the article seeks to link the official Communist Party positions during those years, the “tactical support” for the government of J. R. Videla and the call for a “civic-military convergence”, with the historical party line, based on the idea of revolution in stages. Secondly, the article examines the practical realization of these definitions, the role of legality and the relationship with the Armed Forces. Finally, the paper explores the place of party discipline as a factor that explains, at least in part, the persistence of the official line, sustained even against reality: the extension of the system of terror over existing rivalries within the Armed Forces.


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Casola, N. (2013). "We Communists are not Subversive!" The Communist Party and the Argentine Military Dictatorship (1976-1983). Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (2), 133-156. https://doi.org/10.46688/ahmoi.n2.89


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