Marxism and Trade Union Bureaucracy. The German Experience (1898-1920)
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This paper reviews the polemics carried out by the revolutionary wing of German Social Democracy against the reformism of the trade union leaders linked to the SPD, particularly around the slogan of the political mass strike –a watchword raised as a result of the Russian Revolution of 1905. The article also describes the role of the union leaders in shaping the center wing led by Karl Kautsky after 1910, in the abandonment of internationalism in 1914 and in the consolidation of democratic counter-revolution in Germany from November 1918 onwards. It shows how the union and party bureaucracy distorted the formerly revolutionary political outlook of the German working class, thus laying the groundwork for two of the greatest historical defeats of the world proletariat: the collapse of the Second International and the failure of the German Revolution of 1918-1923.
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