The Unfulfilled Life of a "National" Socialist Party in Argentina (1915-1922)

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Carlos Miguel Herrera


The article offers the first overall reconstruction of the “Argentine” Socialist Party, organized around Alfredo Palacios after his departure from the “official” socialism in 1915. In more than five years of life, the new party tried to develop a national discourse as the foundation of social change. His inability to forge a sharp different identity from the old socialism, and his successive electoral failures, led it to a quick end.


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How to Cite
Herrera, C. M. (2018). The Unfulfilled Life of a "National" Socialist Party in Argentina (1915-1922). Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (13), 121-141.


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Dickmann, Enrique (1917), Democracia y socialismo, Buenos Aires: Ponzinibbio.

García Costa, Víctor (1998), Alfredo Palacios, entre el clavel y la espada. Una biografía, Buenos Aires: Planeta.

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