The PRT-ERP Library: Revolutionary Militancy and Transnational Circulation of Books during the Long 1960s.

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Lucas Duarte


This article discusses some aspects related to the international circulation of books during the long sixties, based on the analysis of the bibliography mobilized by the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores - Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (PRT-ERP) in its main publications. As a channel for the exchange of experiences, we are interested in highlighting the role of the written word in shaping revolutionary projects that, in that context, assumed a transnational character. Observing the strategies deployed by the party to access part of this bibliography, we investigate its impact on the practices adopted by the organization.


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Duarte, L. (2023). The PRT-ERP Library: Revolutionary Militancy and Transnational Circulation of Books during the Long 1960s. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (23), 129-151.


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