Philosophical Unconscious and Ideological Unconscious: on Althusser’s historicity

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Violeta Garrido


This article explores the notion of philosophical unconscious proposed by Althusser at the end of the 1960s, within the framework of his enquiry into the operations of exploitation and appropriation of knowledge carried out by traditional philosophy in relation to other social practices. In order to understand what significance the category of historicity has for Althusser, we will compare this idea with a similar one, based on the theoretical programme of the Spanish professor Juan Carlos Rodríguez, who worked on certain literary texts on the basis of the existence of an ideological unconscious that would define the scope of human subjectivity in each historical stage.


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Garrido, V. (2023). Philosophical Unconscious and Ideological Unconscious: on Althusser’s historicity. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (22), 129-148.


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