“We Want a Seat at the Table”. U.S Labor Unions against Globalization: from the “Battle of Seattle” to China’s Incorporation to WTO

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Anabella Gluj


The aim of this article is to assess the experience of American labor unionism, mainly that of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), and its intervention in the anti-globalization movement. We analyze its participation in the so-called “Battle of Seattle” against the World Trade Organization (WTO) conference in 1999 and its subsequent role in the campaign to reject China’s incorporation to that international organization. In particular, the paper focuses on the limits and scopes of this phenomenon by examining the relationship between the unions and the Democratic Party under Clinton’s Administration.


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Gluj, A. (2022). “We Want a Seat at the Table”. U.S Labor Unions against Globalization: from the “Battle of Seattle” to China’s Incorporation to WTO. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (20), 139-159. https://doi.org/10.46688/ahmoi.n20.348


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