Pandemic and Social Protest in Latin America: Trends, Actors and Demands of Social and Labor Conflict in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. 2019-2020

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Agustín Nava
Juan Grigera


This article maps social protest in Brazil,  Argentina, Chile and Colombia during the 2019-2020 period,  exposing, from a quantitative approach, the trends, intensity, formats, actors and demands of social and labor conflict. The purpose is to analyze the relationship between social protest and pandemics from a broad time frame (2019-2020) and in comparative terms. The objective is to think about the changes and continuities of social and labor conflict in the post-pandemic scenario. In addition, it also seeks to account for the common trends and dissimilarities of social protest in the selected cases.


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How to Cite
Nava, A., & Grigera, J. (2022). Pandemic and Social Protest in Latin America: Trends, Actors and Demands of Social and Labor Conflict in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. 2019-2020. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (20), 111-138.


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