Philosophy, History and Marxism. Contributions from the Sartre-Merleau-Ponty Debate

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Maximiliano Basilio Cladakis


This study aims to address the relationship between philosophy, history and marxism from the debate between Jean Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This relationship exceeds the theoretical field to extend over the historical-political field. Precisely, for both authors the philosophy is knotted with the world of life impossible to avoid. For this purpose, we will discuss the debate between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty taking into account their views and positions regarding the events they made to their contemporaneity.


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Cladakis, M. B. (2021). Philosophy, History and Marxism. Contributions from the Sartre-Merleau-Ponty Debate. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (19), 111-130.


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