The (Alleged) “Argentine Sartreans”. Some Impressionist Memoirs

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Eduardo Grüner


The article presents an overview of the readings, re-readings and reinterpretations of Jean-Paul Sartre’s work in Argentina in the 1960s and 1970s, focusing particularly on the political implications of his work read from a peripheral country. After a first moment of approach to Sartre by the members of the magazine Contorno, the 60s observe the confluence and superposition of Sartrean ideas with the first structuralism


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How to Cite
Grüner, E. (2021). The (Alleged) “Argentine Sartreans”. Some Impressionist Memoirs. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (18), 79-104.
Special Theme: Essays and debates on intellectual history and Marxism


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