Social Reproduction in Dispute: a Debate between Autonomists and Marxists

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Paula Varela


This article addresses the theoretical-political debate between the autonomist vision and the Marxist vision of social reproduction. To do so, we base on the recent dossier published by the Radical Philosophy “Social Reproduction Theory”, which presentation is written by Silvia Federici and its theoretical article by Alessandra Mezzadri. The hard core of the dossier’s argument is aimed at polemicizing with Tithi Bhattacharya’s book Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Opression. This is a “critique of criticism” that propose a reading of the Theory of Social Reproduction as a theory of the relationship between production and reproduction in capitalist society.


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Varela, P. (2020). Social Reproduction in Dispute: a Debate between Autonomists and Marxists. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (16), 71-92.
Special Theme: The Work of Women: Feminism, Marxism and Social Reproduction


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