Pashukanis. The Critique of Legal Form in the Political-Legal Debates of the Russian Revolution

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Facundo Rocca


Pashukanis’s General Theory of Law and Marxism, published in 1924, is one of the most fertile attempts in constructing a Marxist theory of law which presents it as a social form destined to wither away in the future com-munist society. It will be shown how this theory arises from the effects of the 1917 Revolution: at the same time from its impugnation of the Marxism of the II International and from the practical and political task of socialist construc-tion. In order to try to elucidate the reasons that would lead to its repudiation as counterrevolutionary by the Stalinist power, we will present some elements of the intellectual and political debate context of Pashukani’s theory, as well as some of its internal contradictions.


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Rocca, F. (2017). Pashukanis. The Critique of Legal Form in the Political-Legal Debates of the Russian Revolution. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (11), 99-118.
Special Theme: One Hundred Years after the Russian Revolution


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