“We See a Strong Upsurge of Labor History in the Global South”. A Dialogue with Marcel van der Linden about History and Politics
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Marcel van der Linden is senior researcher in the International Institute of Social History (IISH), in Amsterdam. Until 2014 he was director of research of this prestigious institution, one of the most important archives and research centers in labor history worldwide. He is the chair of the Editorial Committee of the International Review of Social History, edited by the IISH, and belongs to the advisory and editorial boards of many journals devoted to the history of the working class and the left around the world, Archivos among them. He has published scores of articles and books, such as Workers of the World. Essays toward a Global Labor History (2008), Western Marxism and the Soviet Union. A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates since 1917 (2007), and Transnational Labour History: Explorations (2003). The latter is the only one that has been published also in Spanish (Historia transnacional del trabajo, Valencia, 2006).
The interview was conducted in the IISH on November, 3, 2015. The transcription was reviewed by Van der Linden.