“Old” and “New” Working Class in Patagonia Argentina: From the Railway to State-subsidized Industries

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Gonzalo Pérez Álvarez


From 1956 the national State of Argentina promoted the installation of industries in the Patagonia. This way modified his economic structure which until then had like axis railroad, which was closed in 1961. About middle of the years 70, the region had been transformed, from the installation of a textile synthetic pole, the only producing plant of primary aluminium of Argentina and the arrival of migrants attracted by the offer of positions of works. We investigate this moment of break, wondering specifically for the situation of the working class. For it we explore his history, the destruction and conformation of working organizations, the development of new working cores and the links with the experiences and traditions of the former cores.


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Pérez Álvarez, G. (2015). “Old” and “New” Working Class in Patagonia Argentina: From the Railway to State-subsidized Industries. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (7), 143-162. https://doi.org/10.46688/ahmoi.n7.139


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