The Relationship between the Comintern and Latin America: the Swiss Revolutionary Alfred Stirner

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Victor Jeifets
Lazar Jeifets


The authors are analyzing some little-known episodes of the activity of the Swiss Communist Edgar Woog (“Alfred Stirner" (1898-1973), especially the role of this Comintern’s official in the development of the relations between the III International, the Peruvian revolutionary Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre and the Partido Revolucionario Venezolano, as also with the Mexican Communist Party within the period of formation and decline of the alliance between the communists and the independent peasants’ movement. The authors show the changing and “creative” character of the relationship between the Comintern and its national sections in Latin America. Additionally, the authors make some research of the evolution of Stirner’s points of view over the social and political processes within the Latin American Left-Wing movement.


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Jeifets, V., & Jeifets, L. (2017). The Relationship between the Comintern and Latin America: the Swiss Revolutionary Alfred Stirner. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (11), 57-77.
Special Theme: One Hundred Years after the Russian Revolution


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