The Socialist Party and Strikes: an Uneasy Relationship. Analyzing Party Stances in the Early Twentieth Century

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Lucas Poy


The paper addresses the political stance of Argentine Socialism regard- ing the question of strikes, during the turbulent years of labor unrest between 1900 and 1902, after summarizing how the topic had been addressed in previous years. It shows how the Socialist Party consolidated a strong critique of the strikes’ usefulness, and especially a durable opposition to the idea of general strikes, a question that was being discussed by the socialist movement globally. The articles argues that, if the big strike of 1896 contributed to the emergence of a strong criticism towards the idea of a general strike, the 1901-1902 wave of labor unrest definitely put this interpretation among the core political positions of the party.


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How to Cite
Poy, L. (2015). The Socialist Party and Strikes: an Uneasy Relationship. Analyzing Party Stances in the Early Twentieth Century. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (6), 31-51.
Special Theme: The Socialist Party since its Origins up to the Sáenz Peña Law


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