Socialism, the Internationalist Left, and the Origins of Communism of Argentina against the Background of the Russian Revolution of 1917

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Hernán Camarero


This article studies the first influences of the Russian Revolution of 1917 in the Argentine left, in particular the theoretical, political and strategic orientations adopted by the Socialist Party, the tendency of left of that organization and the emerging communism. This analysis provides elements to understand the ways in which these currents understood the meaning of the revolution and the potentials and limits of the reformist, democratic and revolutionary program, as well as their definitions about the agent of change social and the place of the masses in the events.


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Camarero, H. (2017). Socialism, the Internationalist Left, and the Origins of Communism of Argentina against the Background of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (11), 13-34.
Special Theme: One Hundred Years after the Russian Revolution


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