The Communist International and the Argentine Left: First Agreements and Disagreements

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Victor Jeifets
Lazar Jeifets


The article is devoted to form the basic lines of the history of the first contacts and divergences between the Comintern and the Argentinean Left-Wing movement. Resting on the documents of the Comintern Archive, earlier slightly accessible to the researchers, the authors analyze the activity of the Comintern emissaries sent to South America in 1920-1921.


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How to Cite
Jeifets, V., & Jeifets, L. (2014). The Communist International and the Argentine Left: First Agreements and Disagreements. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (5), 71-92.
Special Theme: The Communist Party: Between Revolution and Class Collaboration


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