Workers' Insubordination in Córdoba. The "Wildcat Strikes" of 1970-1971 in the Metal-Mechanic Industry and the Experience of the Classist Sitrac

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Carlos G. Mignon


The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of “wildcat strikes” in the early ‘70s, in Córdoba. This type of protest, organized by outside of trade unions and intended to cause maximum damage to production, indicating the changes in the class composition of the proletariat metalworking. In turn, the workers without professional qualifications, showed specifics forms of action strange to totalizing perspectives of the working class as a collective subject.


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How to Cite
Mignon, C. G. (2014). Workers’ Insubordination in Córdoba. The "Wildcat Strikes" of 1970-1971 in the Metal-Mechanic Industry and the Experience of the Classist Sitrac. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (4), 77-98.
Special theme:From Cordobazo to "clasismo": Labor Protest, Cultural Alternatives


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