Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, and is not simultaneously undergoing evaluation in any other publication
  • The file is in .doc or .rtf format, on A4 sheet size, in Times New Roman font size 12, spaced 1.5, without justification. All pages are numbered.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Contact the Editorial Team at archivosrevistadehistoria@gmail.com


1. Not previously published

All contributions must be original and not simultaneously undergoing evaluation in any other publication. Archivos will confirm receipt of the contribution within one week and will communicate the outcome of the evaluation process within four months. Archivos receives articles in Spanish and only occasionally in another language.


2. Maximum length

Articles: up to 55,000 characters with spaces (including footnotes, bibliographical references at the end of the text and the abstract).

Book reviews: up to 8,000 characters with spaces.


3. Format and layout

Contributions should be sent in .doc or .rtf format, on A4 sheet size, in Times New Roman font size 12, spaced 1.5, without justification. All pages must be numbered. Book reviews are accepted exclusively in Spanish. In case of manuscripts in languages other than Spanish, please contact the Editorial Board before submitting.


The first page should contain the following information:

  1. a) Title in Spanish and English.
  2. b) Name of the author(s) and institutional affiliation.
  3. c) Abstract of no more than 100 words and four keywords. Both in Spanish and English.
  4. d) Contact e-mail.

Any reference that allows to infer the author's name should be removed from the text, with the exception of the first page, in order to allow anonymous evaluation.


4. Citations

Quotations, or reproduction of words from other texts, sources, etc., must go inside quotation marks (“ “), without italics. If the quotation is longer than three lines, it is recommended to leave it as a separate paragraph, with a blank line at the top and a blank line at the bottom.


5. References

The journal uses references with the APA standard. Manuscripts with bibliographic references in footnotes will not be accepted.

Example: (Hobsbawm, 1989, pp. 25-65).


References should be included at the end of the paper, with the format: Surname, N. (Year of publication). Title of the text. Publisher.





(with individual author)

Falcón, R. (1984). Los orígenes del movimiento obrero, 1857-1899. Centro Editor de América Latina.

Marx, K. (1974). Wage Labour and Capital (1849). Progress Publishers.

(with various authors)

Batalha, C. H. M., Teixeira da Silva, F., y Fortes, A. (comps.) (2004). Culturas de classe: identidade e diversidade na formaçao do operariado. Editora da Unicamp.

Book chapter:

Anderson, P. (1984). La historia de los partidos comunistas. En R. Samuel (ed.). Historia popular y teoría socialista (pp. 150-165). Crítica.

Journal article:

Aricó, J. (1973). Espontaneidad y dirección conciente en el pensamiento de Gramsci. Pasado y Presente, 1, 87-101.

Book in electronic version:

De Jesús Domínguez, J. (1887). La autonomía administrativa en Puerto Rico. http://memory.loc.gov/


Kalmanowiecki, L. (1997). Military Power and Policing in Argentina 1900-1955. Ph.D Dissertation, New School for Social Research.


In case the articles, chapters, journals, parts of articles, audios, videos, images and even software cited in the manuscript have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, the author(s) must include it in the references. DOIs are available at http://search.crossref.org/


Ferguson, S. (2020). Las visiones del trabajo en la teoría feminista. Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda, (16), 17-36. https://doi.org/10.46688/ahmoi.n16.242


6. Evaluation process

All proposals are received by the Executive Editors, and authors will get a confirmation of receipt. Manuscripts are evaluated by the Editorial Committee in the first place, in order to determine if they fall in line with the scope, objectives and requirements of the journal. If it does not comply with them, the manuscript is rejected. When the first evaluation is positive, two external referees, specialized in the topic, are chosen to review the quality of the article. After being peer-reviewed, proposals can be: 1) published without modifications; 2) accepted if they incorporate the reviewers' observations; 3) rejected. In the event of a dispute between the referees, the article will be sent to a third specialist. The Editorial Committee will guarantee that the peer reviewers have no work/institutional relationship with the authors of the manuscripts. The evaluation system adopted by the journal is double-blind preserving the anonymity of both authors and evaluators.


7. Ethics

With the intention of following the universal consensus on scientific publishing practice, the journal's Editorial Team adheres to the guidelines and instructions developed by the COPE | Committee on Publication Ethics.

Authors, researchers and evaluators are encouraged to get acquainted with the international guidelines related to publication ethics in order to avoid mistakes that could be generated by their lack of knowledge.


8. Plagiarism

The Editorial Team of Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda uses various tools to detect plagiarism or self-plagiarism practices, data fabrication or ethical issues in submissions, such as Similarity Check, Plagiarismdetector, Quetext, etc.  Likewise, it reserves the right to reject and/or eliminate any article in which any form of plagiarism or self-plagiarism practices have been detected, regardless of the editing stage in which it is found.


9. Open access and copyright policy

The contents of the journal are available in open access under the Creative Commons 4.0 International License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike). Archives does not charge the authors for publishing and all articles are accessible free of charge. The author(s) will assign non-exclusive economic rights to his or her manuscript to the editor, who will allow reuse, after editing (postprint), under the terms of the above-mentioned license. Authors are encouraged to deposit their contributions in other repositories, which may share and adapt the material as long as the authorship and original source of the publication is cited and it is not used for commercial purposes.


10. Digital file preservation policy

Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda uses the latest version of Open Journal Systems which supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system that guarantees a permanent and secure archive. An open source software developed by the Library of Stanford University, LOCKSS allows libraries to curate selected content by regularly searching registered journals to collect new published content and archive it. Each archive is continuously validated against records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself.

It also relies on the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a permanent and secure archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based on the open source LOCKSS software, which allows libraries to preserve selected content by regularly checking registered journal websites for recently published content and archiving it. Each archive is constantly validated against other library caches and, if it is detected that content has been corrupted or lost, other caches or the journal itself are used to restore it.