Convergencias contradictorias. Proletariado industrial y concepción programática bolchevique entre 1917 y 1929
Contenido principal del artículo
El presente trabajo indaga el carácter contradictorio que asumió la convergencia de los diversos proyectos de reconstrucción de la sociedad luego de la Revolución Rusa de 1917. Se argumentará que los consensos entre Partido Bolchevique y movimiento obrero, relativos al fortalecimiento de una instancia estatal centralizada capaz de desenvolver una planificación global, se desarrollaron en conflictiva interacción con su contracara programática de asimilación de la llamada organización científica de trabajo.
Detalles del artículo
Cómo citar
Duer, M. (2020). Convergencias contradictorias. Proletariado industrial y concepción programática bolchevique entre 1917 y 1929. Archivos De Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Y La Izquierda, (17), 163-183.
Artículos libres
Allen, R.C. (2003). Farm to factory. A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution. Princeton University Press.
Baña, M. (2017). La Revolución Rusa en su Centenario. Perspectivas temáticas y narrativas historiográficas. Políticas de la Memoria. Anuario de Investigación e Información del CeDInCI, nº 17, 224-237.
Bailes, K. (1977). Alexei Gastev and the Soviet Controversy Over Taylorism, 1918–24. Soviet Studies, 29 (3), 373-394. DOI:
Barber, J.D., y Davies, R.W. (1994). Employment and industrial labour. En R.W. Davies, M. Harrison, S.G. Wheatcroft (eds.). The economic transformation of the Soviet Union, 1913-1945 (pp. 81-105). Cambridge University Press.
Brovkin, V. (1998). Russia after Lenin. Politics, culture and society. Routledge.
Brower, D. (1989). “The city in danger”: The Civil War and the Russian urban population. En D. Koenker, W. Rosenberg, y R.G. Suny (eds.), Party, State, and society in the Russian civil war. Explorations in social history (pp. 58-80). Indiana University Press.
Brunnbauer, U (2000). The League of Time (Liga Vremia). Problems of making a Soviet working class in the 1920s. Russian History, 27 (1), 461–495. DOI: 101163/187633100x00155.
Bujarin, N. y Preobrazhensky, E. (1922). Program of the Communist Party of Russia. Adopted at the Eighth Party Congress, held march 18 to 23, 1919. En The ABC of communism (pp. 373-402). The Communist Party of Great Britain.
Clark, M.G. (1956). The economics of Soviet steel. Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, S. (1999). Bolshevism and stalinism. En R.C. Tucker (ed.). Stalinism. Essays in historical interpretation (pp. 3-29). Transaction Publishers.
Collette, J.M. (1965). Politique des investissements et calcul économique, Cujas.
Daniels, R.V. (1993). A documentary history of communism in Russia. From Lenin to Gorbachev. University Press of New England.
Danilov, V.P. et al. (2000). Kak lomali NEP. Stenogrammy plenumov TsK VKP(b) 1928-1929 gg. Tomo II. Mezhdunarodnyy Fond “Demokratiya”.
Davies, R.W. (1994). Industry. En R.W. Davies, M. Harrison, S.G. Wheatcroft M.A. Duer - Proletariado industrial y gobierno bolchevique 181 (eds.). The economic transformation of the Soviet Union, 1913-1945 (pp. 131-157). Cambridge University Press.
– (1998). The industrialisation of Soviet Russia 3: The Soviet economy in turmoil, 1929-1930. Macmillan Press LTD.
– (2007). Soviet economic development from Lenin to Khrushchev. Cambridge University Press.
Davies, R.W. y Khlevnyuk, O. (1997). Gosplan. En E.A. Rees (ed.). Decision-Making in the Stalinist command economy, 1932-1937 (pp. 32-66). Macmillan Press.
Day, R. (1973). Leon Trotsky and the politics of economic isolation. Cambridge University Press.
Depretto, J. (1994). La formation de la classe ouvrière soviétique. Le Mouvement Social, 169, 47-65.
Dobb, M. (1967). The discussions of the 1920’s about building socialism. Annali, 9, 136-166. Instituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Douds, L. (2018). Inside Lenin’s government. Ideology, power and practice in the early Soviet State. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Drobizhev, V.Z. (1979). Nekotorie voprosy izucheniia istorii sovetskogo rabochego klassa v sovetskoi istoriografii. Metodologicheskie i metodicheskie problemy izucheniia rabochego klassa sotsialisticheskogo obshchestva, 3-52.
Filtzer, D. (1993). Labour and the contradictions of Soviet planning under Stalin: The working class and the regime during the first years of forced industrialization. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 20 (1), 71-103. DOI:10.1080/03017609308413356.
Fitzpatrick, S. (2007). Revisionism in Soviet history. History and Theory, 46 (4), 77-91.
Getty, J.A., y Naumov, O.V. (1999). The road to terror. Stalin and the self-destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939. Yale University Press.
Graziosi, A. (1991). Building the first system of State industry in history. Piatakov’s VSNKh and the crisis of the NEP, 1923-1926. Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique, 32 (4), 539-580.
Koenker, D. (1981). Moscow workers and the 1917 Revolution. Princeton University Press.
– (1989). Urbanization and deurbanization in the Russian Revolution and civil war. En D. Koenker, W. Rosenberg y R.G. Suny (eds.), Party, State, and society in the Russian civil war. Explorations in social history (pp. 81-104). Indiana University Press.
– (2005). Republic of Labor. Russian printers and Soviet socialism, 1918-1930. Cornell University Press.
Koenker, D., y Rosenberg, W. (1989). Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917. Princeton University Press.
Kotkin, S. (1995). Magnetic mountain. Stalinism as a civilization. University of California Press.
– (1998). 1991 and the Russian Revolution: Sources, conceptual categories, analytical frameworks. The Journal of Modern History, 70 (2), 384-425.
Lenin, V.I. (1958). ¿Se sostendrán los bolcheviques en el poder? En Obras completas, t. XXVI (pp. 75-124). Cartago.
– (1960a) Las tareas inmediatas del poder soviético. En Obras completas, t. XXVII (pp. 317-346). Cartago.
– (1960b). Sobre el infantilismo de la “izquierda” y el espíritu pequeñoburgués. En Obras completas, t. XXVII (pp. 317-346). Cartago.
– (1960c). Discurso pronunciado en la conferencia de las organizaciones sin partido de la región de Blagushe-Lefortovo. En Obras completas, t. XXX (pp. 347-349). Cartago.
– (1960d). Carta a Stalin, 24 de enero de 1920. En Obras completas, t. XXX (pp. 297-299). Cartago.
– (1960e). El impuesto en especie (significación de la Nueva Política Económica y su ubicación). En Obras completas, t. XXXII (pp. 322-359). Cartago.
Lewin, M. (1985). More than one piece is missing in the puzzle. Slavic Review, 44 (2), 239-243.
Lih, L., Naumov, O., y Khlevniuk, O. (1995). Stalin’s letters to Molotov. 1925- 1936. Yale University Press.
Linhart, R. (1976). Lénin, les paysans, Taylor. Essai d’annalyse material historique de la naissance du systèm productif soviétique. Seuil.
Malle, S. (1985). The Economic organization of war communism, 1918-1921. Cambridge University Press.
Mandel, D. (2018). The Petrograd workers in the Russian Revolution. February 1917–June 1918 [1983]. Koninklijke Brill nv.
Marot, J.E. (2012). The October Revolution in prospect and retrospect. Koninklijke Brill nv.
Murphy, K. (2005). Revolution and counterrevolution. Class struggle in a Moscow metal factory. Berghahn Books.
– (2008). Strikes during the early Soviet period, 1922 to 1932: From working-class militancy to working-class passivity? En D. Filtzer et al. A Dream deferred. New studies in Russian and Soviet labour history (pp. 171-191). Peter Lang AG-International Academic Publishers.
Orlovsky, D. (1989). State building in the civil war era. The role of the lower-middle strata. En D. Koenker, W. Rosenberg y R.G. Suny (eds.), Party, State, and society in the Russian civil war. Explorations in social history (pp. 133-157). Indiana University Press.
– (1994). The hidden class: White-collar workers in the Soviet 1920s. En L. Siegelbaum y R.G. Suny (eds). Making workers Soviet. Power, class and identity (pp. 220-252). Cornell University Press.
Pirani, S. (2006). The party elite, the industrial managers and the cells: Early stages in the formation of the Soviet ruling class in Moscow, 1922–23. Revolutionary Russia, 2 (19), 197-228.
Pospielovsky, A. (1997). Strikes during the NEP. Revolutionary Russia, 1 (10), 1-34.
Rassweiler, A.D. (1983). Soviet labor history of the 1920s and the 1930s. Journal of Social History, 17 (1), 147–158. DOI: 10.1353/jsh/17.1.147.
Rees, E.A. (1987). State control in Soviet Russia. The rise and fall of the workers’ and peasants’ inspectorate, 1920-34. Palgrave Macmillan.
Rezolyutsiya chetvertoy konferentsii profsoyuznykh liderov (1918). Professinalnyi Vestnik, 5-6, pp. 13-14.
Rosenberg, W.G. (1978). Workers and workers’ control in the Russian Revolution. History Workshop Journal, 5 (1), 89–97. DOI: 10.1093/hwj/5.1.89.
– (1985). Reply. Slavic Review, 44 (2), 251-256.
– (1994). Social mediation and State construction(s) in Revolutionary Russia. Social History, 19 (2), 169-188.
Rossman, J. (2005). Worker resistance under Stalin. Class and Revolution on the shop floor. Harvard University Press.
Sánchez-Sibony, O. (2014). Red globalization. The political economy of the Soviet Cold War from Stalin to Khrushchev. Cambridge University Press.
– (2019). Global money and bolshevik authority: The NEP as the first socialist project. Slavic Review, 78 (3), 694-716.
Sgrazzutti, J., Oliva, A. (2017). Aportes para la comprensión del taylorismo soviético de Octubre a la NEP (1917-1929). Anuario de la Escuela de Historia, 29, 9-47.
Sirianni, C. (1985). Rethinking the significance of worker’s control in the Russian Revolution. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 6 (1), 65-91. DOI:
Smith, S.A. (1985). Red Petrograd. Revolution in the factories, 1917-1918. Cambridge University Press.
Vorozheikin, I.E., y Seniavskii, S.L. (1977). Rabochii klass - vedushchaia sila sovetskogo obshchestva. Voprosy metodologii i istoriografii.
Ward, C. (1990). Russia’s cotton workers and the New Economic Policy: Shopfloor culture and State policy, 1921–1929. Cambridge University Press.
Baña, M. (2017). La Revolución Rusa en su Centenario. Perspectivas temáticas y narrativas historiográficas. Políticas de la Memoria. Anuario de Investigación e Información del CeDInCI, nº 17, 224-237.
Bailes, K. (1977). Alexei Gastev and the Soviet Controversy Over Taylorism, 1918–24. Soviet Studies, 29 (3), 373-394. DOI:
Barber, J.D., y Davies, R.W. (1994). Employment and industrial labour. En R.W. Davies, M. Harrison, S.G. Wheatcroft (eds.). The economic transformation of the Soviet Union, 1913-1945 (pp. 81-105). Cambridge University Press.
Brovkin, V. (1998). Russia after Lenin. Politics, culture and society. Routledge.
Brower, D. (1989). “The city in danger”: The Civil War and the Russian urban population. En D. Koenker, W. Rosenberg, y R.G. Suny (eds.), Party, State, and society in the Russian civil war. Explorations in social history (pp. 58-80). Indiana University Press.
Brunnbauer, U (2000). The League of Time (Liga Vremia). Problems of making a Soviet working class in the 1920s. Russian History, 27 (1), 461–495. DOI: 101163/187633100x00155.
Bujarin, N. y Preobrazhensky, E. (1922). Program of the Communist Party of Russia. Adopted at the Eighth Party Congress, held march 18 to 23, 1919. En The ABC of communism (pp. 373-402). The Communist Party of Great Britain.
Clark, M.G. (1956). The economics of Soviet steel. Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, S. (1999). Bolshevism and stalinism. En R.C. Tucker (ed.). Stalinism. Essays in historical interpretation (pp. 3-29). Transaction Publishers.
Collette, J.M. (1965). Politique des investissements et calcul économique, Cujas.
Daniels, R.V. (1993). A documentary history of communism in Russia. From Lenin to Gorbachev. University Press of New England.
Danilov, V.P. et al. (2000). Kak lomali NEP. Stenogrammy plenumov TsK VKP(b) 1928-1929 gg. Tomo II. Mezhdunarodnyy Fond “Demokratiya”.
Davies, R.W. (1994). Industry. En R.W. Davies, M. Harrison, S.G. Wheatcroft M.A. Duer - Proletariado industrial y gobierno bolchevique 181 (eds.). The economic transformation of the Soviet Union, 1913-1945 (pp. 131-157). Cambridge University Press.
– (1998). The industrialisation of Soviet Russia 3: The Soviet economy in turmoil, 1929-1930. Macmillan Press LTD.
– (2007). Soviet economic development from Lenin to Khrushchev. Cambridge University Press.
Davies, R.W. y Khlevnyuk, O. (1997). Gosplan. En E.A. Rees (ed.). Decision-Making in the Stalinist command economy, 1932-1937 (pp. 32-66). Macmillan Press.
Day, R. (1973). Leon Trotsky and the politics of economic isolation. Cambridge University Press.
Depretto, J. (1994). La formation de la classe ouvrière soviétique. Le Mouvement Social, 169, 47-65.
Dobb, M. (1967). The discussions of the 1920’s about building socialism. Annali, 9, 136-166. Instituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Douds, L. (2018). Inside Lenin’s government. Ideology, power and practice in the early Soviet State. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Drobizhev, V.Z. (1979). Nekotorie voprosy izucheniia istorii sovetskogo rabochego klassa v sovetskoi istoriografii. Metodologicheskie i metodicheskie problemy izucheniia rabochego klassa sotsialisticheskogo obshchestva, 3-52.
Filtzer, D. (1993). Labour and the contradictions of Soviet planning under Stalin: The working class and the regime during the first years of forced industrialization. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 20 (1), 71-103. DOI:10.1080/03017609308413356.
Fitzpatrick, S. (2007). Revisionism in Soviet history. History and Theory, 46 (4), 77-91.
Getty, J.A., y Naumov, O.V. (1999). The road to terror. Stalin and the self-destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-1939. Yale University Press.
Graziosi, A. (1991). Building the first system of State industry in history. Piatakov’s VSNKh and the crisis of the NEP, 1923-1926. Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique, 32 (4), 539-580.
Koenker, D. (1981). Moscow workers and the 1917 Revolution. Princeton University Press.
– (1989). Urbanization and deurbanization in the Russian Revolution and civil war. En D. Koenker, W. Rosenberg y R.G. Suny (eds.), Party, State, and society in the Russian civil war. Explorations in social history (pp. 81-104). Indiana University Press.
– (2005). Republic of Labor. Russian printers and Soviet socialism, 1918-1930. Cornell University Press.
Koenker, D., y Rosenberg, W. (1989). Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917. Princeton University Press.
Kotkin, S. (1995). Magnetic mountain. Stalinism as a civilization. University of California Press.
– (1998). 1991 and the Russian Revolution: Sources, conceptual categories, analytical frameworks. The Journal of Modern History, 70 (2), 384-425.
Lenin, V.I. (1958). ¿Se sostendrán los bolcheviques en el poder? En Obras completas, t. XXVI (pp. 75-124). Cartago.
– (1960a) Las tareas inmediatas del poder soviético. En Obras completas, t. XXVII (pp. 317-346). Cartago.
– (1960b). Sobre el infantilismo de la “izquierda” y el espíritu pequeñoburgués. En Obras completas, t. XXVII (pp. 317-346). Cartago.
– (1960c). Discurso pronunciado en la conferencia de las organizaciones sin partido de la región de Blagushe-Lefortovo. En Obras completas, t. XXX (pp. 347-349). Cartago.
– (1960d). Carta a Stalin, 24 de enero de 1920. En Obras completas, t. XXX (pp. 297-299). Cartago.
– (1960e). El impuesto en especie (significación de la Nueva Política Económica y su ubicación). En Obras completas, t. XXXII (pp. 322-359). Cartago.
Lewin, M. (1985). More than one piece is missing in the puzzle. Slavic Review, 44 (2), 239-243.
Lih, L., Naumov, O., y Khlevniuk, O. (1995). Stalin’s letters to Molotov. 1925- 1936. Yale University Press.
Linhart, R. (1976). Lénin, les paysans, Taylor. Essai d’annalyse material historique de la naissance du systèm productif soviétique. Seuil.
Malle, S. (1985). The Economic organization of war communism, 1918-1921. Cambridge University Press.
Mandel, D. (2018). The Petrograd workers in the Russian Revolution. February 1917–June 1918 [1983]. Koninklijke Brill nv.
Marot, J.E. (2012). The October Revolution in prospect and retrospect. Koninklijke Brill nv.
Murphy, K. (2005). Revolution and counterrevolution. Class struggle in a Moscow metal factory. Berghahn Books.
– (2008). Strikes during the early Soviet period, 1922 to 1932: From working-class militancy to working-class passivity? En D. Filtzer et al. A Dream deferred. New studies in Russian and Soviet labour history (pp. 171-191). Peter Lang AG-International Academic Publishers.
Orlovsky, D. (1989). State building in the civil war era. The role of the lower-middle strata. En D. Koenker, W. Rosenberg y R.G. Suny (eds.), Party, State, and society in the Russian civil war. Explorations in social history (pp. 133-157). Indiana University Press.
– (1994). The hidden class: White-collar workers in the Soviet 1920s. En L. Siegelbaum y R.G. Suny (eds). Making workers Soviet. Power, class and identity (pp. 220-252). Cornell University Press.
Pirani, S. (2006). The party elite, the industrial managers and the cells: Early stages in the formation of the Soviet ruling class in Moscow, 1922–23. Revolutionary Russia, 2 (19), 197-228.
Pospielovsky, A. (1997). Strikes during the NEP. Revolutionary Russia, 1 (10), 1-34.
Rassweiler, A.D. (1983). Soviet labor history of the 1920s and the 1930s. Journal of Social History, 17 (1), 147–158. DOI: 10.1353/jsh/17.1.147.
Rees, E.A. (1987). State control in Soviet Russia. The rise and fall of the workers’ and peasants’ inspectorate, 1920-34. Palgrave Macmillan.
Rezolyutsiya chetvertoy konferentsii profsoyuznykh liderov (1918). Professinalnyi Vestnik, 5-6, pp. 13-14.
Rosenberg, W.G. (1978). Workers and workers’ control in the Russian Revolution. History Workshop Journal, 5 (1), 89–97. DOI: 10.1093/hwj/5.1.89.
– (1985). Reply. Slavic Review, 44 (2), 251-256.
– (1994). Social mediation and State construction(s) in Revolutionary Russia. Social History, 19 (2), 169-188.
Rossman, J. (2005). Worker resistance under Stalin. Class and Revolution on the shop floor. Harvard University Press.
Sánchez-Sibony, O. (2014). Red globalization. The political economy of the Soviet Cold War from Stalin to Khrushchev. Cambridge University Press.
– (2019). Global money and bolshevik authority: The NEP as the first socialist project. Slavic Review, 78 (3), 694-716.
Sgrazzutti, J., Oliva, A. (2017). Aportes para la comprensión del taylorismo soviético de Octubre a la NEP (1917-1929). Anuario de la Escuela de Historia, 29, 9-47.
Sirianni, C. (1985). Rethinking the significance of worker’s control in the Russian Revolution. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 6 (1), 65-91. DOI:
Smith, S.A. (1985). Red Petrograd. Revolution in the factories, 1917-1918. Cambridge University Press.
Vorozheikin, I.E., y Seniavskii, S.L. (1977). Rabochii klass - vedushchaia sila sovetskogo obshchestva. Voprosy metodologii i istoriografii.
Ward, C. (1990). Russia’s cotton workers and the New Economic Policy: Shopfloor culture and State policy, 1921–1929. Cambridge University Press.